The First Valentine: The first recorded Valentine was sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orléans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
Chocolate Galore: Did you know that on Valentine's Day, an enormous amount of chocolate is consumed worldwide. It is estimated that around 58 million pounds (about 26 million kg) of chocolate are sold alone in the U.S. on this day.
Globally, the number could be even higher, as many countries and cultures celebrate this day and use chocolate as a popular gift. So if you’re feeling guilty about that heart-shaped box you devoured, just remember — you’re just contributing to a sweet tradition!
Valentine's Day Cards: Approximately 145 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged each year, making it the second-largest card-giving holiday after Christmas. Who knew that expressing love could be so… paper-intensive?
The Lovebirds: In some cultures, birds are believed to choose their mates on February 14th. So if you see two pigeons cooing at each other this Valentine’s Day, they’re probably planning a romantic dinner — complete with breadcrumbs and all!
A Day for Everyone: While Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, it’s also a day to celebrate friendships and self-love! So whether you’re single or taken, don’t forget to treat yourself — because who deserves love more than you?