bugs & butterflies

Amigurumi Crochet Pattern . Stag Beetle
●●○○ Skill Level 2 - easy
printable digital PDF-file / 9 pages
This crochet pattern to create your own Stag Beetle is not just lovely and fun, but also very educational! Hat and wing suit are interchangeable! Make new outfits, or even create a whole new species by finding new combinations of hats and wings. It’s a little big world full of possibilities!
The crochet pattern is easy to follow and comes with very detailed instructions and a lot of step-by-step photos and tutorials, what makes it fun for both, advanced crocheters and beginners.
Right after purchasing, you will get access to every language version that is available to this pattern, so that you can choose yourself from the following languages available:
English (US terms)
10 cm / 4 inch if made from recommended yarn
The design and pattern are copyright and must not be reproduced for resale! You CAN'T SELL finished toys made from this pattern. For your personal use (non-profit) or for charity purposes you are permitted to make as many items from this pattern as you like.
© 2018 LALYLALA CROCHET . LYDIA TRESSELT All rights reserved. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.
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C r o c h e t M a n t r a
Yarn as 4 letters, so does love - coincidence? I think not.